Rothbury 09 was a HUGE success. great people, great music, great fun, all around greatness.  I have to say though the highlight for me was finding out that the String Cheese Incident was doing a soundcheck  "in 15 min" at the main stage. My friends and I high-tailed it over there, we got to see the whole thing... 
There are dozens of people who have written review about the Cheese sets... but I loved the soundcheck. For the main set, there were big red balls, gymnasts, lights and thousands of people. But for the soundcheck it was like the good old days of cheese where it was me, the band, a few friends, and about 100 other people.  Here are two short videos, one is Rivertrance... 5 min of sweetness. The second video is a version of Jessica they did. Billy Nershi is on the electric guitar, which happens but is rare for Billy. He has really improved his electric chops, no question he is an incredible acoustic guitar player. now his electric chops are really fantastic. Enjoy the Videos!!!